![]() The Laugher 単語&idioms |
P89/P90/P91 | |
P89 | |
stammer(v) |
If you stammer, you speak with difficulty,
hesitating and repeating words or sounds. |
poise(n) | 1.If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified,
and self-controlled. 2. Poise is a
very controlled way of standing and
moving. 【1】平衡[均衡]状態,釣り合い【2】威厳と自信のある態度,悠揚迫らぬ様子;落ち着き,冷静,沈着 |
a man of poise | 沈着冷静な人 |
b ricklayer(n) | A bricklayer is a person whose job is to
build walls using bricks. れんが(積み)職人 |
avowal(n) |
公言,言明;率直な承認,白状 |
constrain(v) | To constrain someone or something means to
limit their development or force them
behave in a particular way. 〈服従などを〉強いる,強制する;〈笑い声などを〉無理に出す;〈人に〉(…することを)無理強いする |
admission(n) | An admission is a statement that something
bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is
true. (罪・過ち・犯罪などの)自白,告白,自認 |
elocution(n) | Elocution lessons are lessons in which someone
is taught to speak clearly and in an
that is considered to be standard and
acceptable. 【1】演説[朗読]の調子,話しぶり,語り口,せりふ回し【2】(発声・抑揚・身ぶりなどを合わせた)話術,雄弁術,朗読法;舞台発声法【3】誇張した[わざとらしい]話し方 |
meager(adj) | If you describe an amount or quantity of
something as meagre, you are critical
it because it is very small or not
enough. (量・質が)欠けた;わずかな,乏しい;不十分な,不適格な |
designation(n) | A designation is a description, name, or
title that is given to someone or something,
Designation is the fact of giving that
name, or title. 【2】称号,名称,呼称 |
portray(v) | When an actor or actoress portrays someone,
he or she plays that person in a play
film. 【3】(舞台などで)…を演じる,表現する |
P90 | |
peal (v) |
When bells peal, they ring one after another,
making a musical sound. |
nocturnal(adj) | Nocturnal means occuring at night. 夜行性の |
discreet(adj) | 1.If you are discreet, you are polite and
careful in what you do or say, because
want to avoid embarrassing or offending
you are discreet about something you
doing, you do not tell other people
it, in order to avoid beig embarrassed
to gain an advantage. 【3】控えめな,慎み深い;奥ゆかしい |
claque(n) | 【1】((集合的))(劇場・ナイトクラブなどに雇われて拍手喝采(かっさい)をする)「さくら」 |
boisterous(adj) | Someone who is boisterous is noisy, lively,
and full of energy. 【1】〈人・行為・言葉などが〉荒々しく騒々しい,喧(かまびす)しい;ばか騒ぎする,ばか陽気な;抑制のない,乱暴な |
checkroom(n) | A checkroom is a room where you leave your
hat and coat, espcially in a place
of entertainment,
In British English, a room like this
is sometimes
called a cloakroom. ((米・カナダ))(駅・食堂などの)携帯品預かり所 |
bemoan(v) | If you bemoan something, you express sorrow
or dissatisfaction about it. 【1】悲しむ,嘆く |
P91 | |
inclination(n) | An inclination is a feeling that makes you
want to act in a particular way. (1)(特に精神的な)傾向,性向,好み,嗜好(しこう |
cowhand(n) | 牛飼い,カウボーイ |
mortar(n) | Motar is a mixture of sand, wanter, and cement
or lime which is put between bricks
to hold
them together. 【1】モルタル,しっくい【2】れんがや石などの接合材の総称 |
confectioner(n) | A confectioner is a person whose job is making
or selling sweets and chocolates. 菓子製造[販売]人,菓子屋 |
marzipan(n) | Marzipan is paste made of almonds, sugar,
and egg which is sometimes put on top
cakes. マーチパン(marchpane):すりつぶしたアーモンドに砂糖を加えて煮つめ,練り上げて着色した菓子;ふつう果物や動物の形にする |
solemn(adj) | Someone or something that is solemn is very
serious rather than cheerful or humorous. 1】〈人柄・表情・話し方・調子・気分などが〉厳粛な,重々しい;〈気分が〉陰気な;〈態度・調子が〉もったいぶった;〈顔つき・様子が〉まじめくさった |
grant(v) | 1.If someone in authority grants you something,
or if something is granted to you,
you are
allowed to have it.2.You use 'I grant
or 'I'll grant you' to say that you
something is true, even though your
about it does not change. 【2】…を(願いを聞いて)与える:【3】(人に)〈願いなどを〉かなえる,許す((to));〈要求・嘆願などに〉応ずる,同意する,〈要求・嘆願などを〉聞き入れる,承諾する |
fray(v) | If your nerves or your temper fray, or if
something frays them, you become nervous
or easily annoyed because of mental
and anxiety. …を恐れさせる,脅して追い散らす 〈行為などが〉〈神経・感情などを〉擦り減らす,緊張させる;気を動転させる,平静を失わせる |
solemnity(adj) | Someone or something that is solemn is very
serious rather than cheerful or humorous. 【1】まじめ,重々しさ,厳粛さ,荘厳 |
dtest(v) | If you detest someone or something, you dislike
them very much. 〈物・事を〉憎む,〈…することを〉ひどく嫌う,嫌悪する |
taciturn(adj) | A taciturn person does not say very much
and can seem unfriendly. 寡黙な,口数が少ない,話に加わりたがらない |
impassive(adj) | If someone is impassive or their face is
impassive, they are not showing any
emotion. 【1】〈人が〉無感動の,無感情の,冷淡な,心を動かさない【2】冷静な,落ち着いた |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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