第回31Net 勉強会 2004,5
La Volpaia
volpaia イタリア タスカニーの16世紀の牧場地。
contempt(n) If you have contempt for someone or something, you have no respect for them or think that they are unimportant.
(下品・卑劣・俗悪・無価値と思われるものに対する)軽蔑(けいべつ), さげすみ,侮蔑
rigorous(adj)  A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict.
cleric(n) A cleric is a member of the clergy.
cloth(n) The cloth is sometimes used to refer to Christian priests and ministers.
I beg your pardon You say ' I beg your pardon' as a way of appologiing for accidnetally doning something wrong, such asu disturbing someone or making a mistake.
don't mince sb's word If you say that someone does not mince their words, you mean that they speake in a forceful and direct way, especially when saying something unpleasant to someone.
fop(n) 気取り屋,めかし屋,しゃれ者
precision(n) If you do something wiht precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.
Cardinal(n) A cardinal is a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church.
to boot You can say to boot to emphasize that you have added something else to something or to a list of things that you have just said.
((話))その上,おまけに(in addition, besides)
sternum(n) Your sternum is the long flat bone which goes from your throat to the bottom of your ribs and to which your ribs are attached.
blunt(adj) If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.
Zeitschrift fur Sozialtwissenchaft (ドイツ語)社会学のための雑誌
compression(n) 圧搾,圧縮;加圧,与圧 圧縮された結果,圧縮されてできたもの
Fletre フェルトレ(イタリアの土地)
gorge(n) A goreg is a deep, narrow vally with very steep sides, usually where a river passes through mountains or an area of hard rock.
sin(v) If you sin, you do something that is believed to break the laws of God.
gorge(n) A gorge is a deep, narrow vally with very steep side usually where a river passes through mountains or an hard rock.
emcompass(v) If something encompasses particular things, it includes them.
miner(n) A miner is a person who works underground in mines in order to obtain minerals such as coal, diamonds, or gold.
astride(adv) If you sit or stand astride something, you sit or stand with one leg on each side of it.
…の両側に(広がって) [比喩的]…の範囲内で(最も)目立って[群を抜いて
futile(adj) If you say that something is futile, you mean there is no point in doing it, usually because it has no chance of succeeding.
loosen(v) If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly held in place.
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました