第32回 La Volpaid Summary (締め切り 04年5月31日) |
Written Mark Helprin(P71~P74) 提出順、敬称略 |
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Old priest and young man ごえべえ |
In the train heading to Germany, Giuliano Debernardi met a old priest.
He didn’t say anything to the priest because he thought the priest was
a looser, while Giuliano was intelligent and had a good career.
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La Volpaia Middle-angle |
Giuliano Debernardi, a young man of intelligence
and promise, met an old priest in a train heading for German. One glance
was enough for Giuliano to tell that the priest was so-called a dismal
failure in life. Therefore he ignored the priest when he came into the
However The priest, with a bottle of wine, somehow seemed very aggressive
and full of confidence. Why ? Then the priest began to talk about her. Emiglia was a widow whose husband was a miner. With the earthquake years ago, he was trapped in a tunnel and died with other miners. It is beyond imagination how hard and hopeless they were when they gave a death cry ! The train was just getting into a tunnel. The priest told the story so well that in the darkness, Giuliano felt choked and had to loosen his tie to get air. The priest was just laughing as Emiglia was a women he simply made up in his imagination. Wits and wisdoms may be acquired through age ! |
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La Volpaia ぱんぷきん |
Giuliano Debernardi is a young intellectual man who is traveling to
Germany. He met a old priest on the train. He gave this old guy a kind
of contemptuous look which made old man really abrasive. The priest was
drunk and put the wine bottle on the small table. The young man told him
that he should have had more successful career in his life. But the priest
was discerning, he could tell this young man had some problems. The young
man was concerned about not speaking German very well. Because he told
his coworkers he was fluent in German. Giuliano Debernardi argued against
the priest's word "That's nothing". The train was climbing up the mountain covered by the snow. Even the landscape was beautiful out of the window, the priest continued saying nothing to see. And he began to talk about a woman Emiglia they just passed by. He told that there were a lot of widows in Italy since the earthquake happened years ago and Emiglia was one of them. Her husband was a miner. He died while he worked in the tunnel with the earthquake. The priest suggested the young man take Emiglia. Gradually Giuliano Debernardi felt there was no air. Giuliano Debernardi could not breathe. The priest was laughing, of course, there was no Emiglia. He made up the story. So far the priest was wise enough. |
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少々わかりにく話でしたが、86歳の出世できなかった(しなかった)神父はインテリ若造よりずっと世間に長けており、人の顔を見て心情を見抜き、まことしやかに話を作り上げ、若造を息苦しくさせた、という話のようです。 老人の知恵が人を見下した若者よりずっと上だということでしょうか。いや、年齢だけでなく、風景や人生から学ぶことが、違うと、同じ人生を送っても味わいが違うということなのかもしれません。 野心的には生きたいけど、虚勢を張って、人を見下して、貧困な想像力で生きていきたくはありませんね。 middle-angelsさんのSummaryは sarcastically や trifeなど形容詞、副詞がうまく使われていて、二人の性格が的確に描写されていたように思えました。 また、ぱんぷきんさんのSummaryは、discernという動詞を使ったり、列車が通っている場所の描写を入れられており、より、雰囲気が伝わってきました。 どんな単語を使うか、どの描写を入れるか、Summaryを書くとき、迷いますが、お二人の書かれ方で気づかされることがたくさんありました。ありがとうございました! |
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