第十七回Net 勉強会
  One of These Days
dawn(v) If something is dawning,it is beginning to develop or come into existence
夜が明ける,空が白む物が〉現れだす,見えだす;兆す,(徐々に)発達し始める 〈事が〉(人・心に)理解され始める,分かりだす[始める]
plaster(n) Plaster is a smooth paste made of sand, lime, and water which goes hard when it dries. Plaster is used to cover walls and cellings and is also used to make sculptures.
mold(n) A mold is a hollow container that you pour liquid into. When the liquid becomes solid, it takes the same shape as the mold
stud(n) Studs are small round objects attached to the bottom of boots, especially sports boots, so that the person wearing them does not slip
erect(adj) People or things that are erect are straight and upright
pensive(adj) If you are pensive, you are thinking deeply about something, especially something that worries you slightly
buzzard(n) If you refer to someone as a buzzard, you think they are unpleasant or very mean(informal).
ridgepole(n) 棟木:屋根の骨組みの頂部に水平に置かれた横木 (テントの)棟ポール
tranquil(adj) Something that is tranquil is cal and peaceful
so much the better (if 節などを受けて)それでますます結構
brace(v) If you brace your shoulders or knees, you keep them stiffly in a particlar position
abscess(n) 膿瘍
tweezers(n) Tweezers are small tool that you use for tasks such as picking up small objects or pulling out hairs. Tweezers consist of two strips of metal or plastic joined together at one end
spittoon(n) たん壺
wisdom tooth(n) 智歯,親知らず,第三大臼歯
forceps(n) Forceps are an instrument consisting of two long narrow arms. Forceps are used by a doctor to hold things.
void(n) You can describe a large or frightening space as a void.
rancor(n) Rancor is a feeling of bitterness and anger.
深い恨み,怨恨(えんこん), 遺恨;(消しがたい)憎しみ,憎悪;悪意,敵意
pay for If you pay for something that you do or have, you suffer as a result of it.
tunic(n) A tunic is a sleeveless garment that is worn on the top part of your body
crumble(v) If an old building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it keep breaking off
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました