第十七回 One of These Days Summary (締め切り 03年2月28日) |
Written By Gabriel Garscia Marquez(P107) 提出順、敬称略 |
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One of These Days Middle-angle |
"The Mayor deserved to endure the pain." Aurelio Escover, a dentist thought.
It was Monday morning. The dentist got up
early and opened his office at six as usual.
He was a very punctual and methodical person
and you can't tell his occupation from his
appearance (erect and skinny). He started his regular work which was polishing false teeth. A little after eight his son interrupted him and told that the Mayer wanted to have his infected tooth pulled out. At first the dentist refused pretending to be out. However the Mayer forcibly got into the room, so he reluctantly accepted his request. After examining the infected tooth, the dentist told the Mayer in a cold atmosphere that the tooth had to be pulled out without anesthesia as he had an abscess. While the dentist doing his task , he said, "Now you'll pay for our twenty dead men." The pulled tooth seemed to have nothing to do with pain for the Mayer and thus he couldn't understand what he had done the five previous nights. "Send the bill," the Mayer said as he left the room. "To you or the town?," asked the dentist. It's the same damn thing for him anyhow.
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One of These Days Megumi |
Aurelio Excovar is a dentist without
a degree, and an early bird. On a Monday He opened his office at six: began to arrange instruments and polish the false teeth. Several hours passed and the Mayor came see the dentist. The dentist tried to ignore the Mayor, but the Mayor told he would shoot him. The dentist verified his revolver in his drawer and let him in. The Mayor came in --- the right side of his face was swollen and in pain. The dentist shut the drawer and began to inspect the Mayor's teeth. The dentist said the treatment had to be done without anesthesia because of his abscess. When he was treating the Mayor's tooth, he said, "you'll pay for our twenty dead men." After the treatment, the Mayor said, "send the bill." "To you or the town?" asked the dentist. He thought it was the same damn thing. 物語の背景がよくわからないんで、とりあえず読んだ通りに要約しました。死んだ20人って誰なんでしょうか?何か史実をモチーフにしているんでしょうか?それとも、これはまったくのフィクションで、国家や権力に対するもっと大きな意味での憤りをこういう形で表しているんでしょうか…?! |
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Pain in the town ごえべえ |
Monday morning, Aurelio Escover, a
dentist without a degree opened his office
and polished some false teeth quietly and
rhythmically. |
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One of These Days /ぱんぷきん |
It was early Monday morning. Aurelio Escovar
is a dentist without degree, who opened his
office at six o'clock. He put some instruments
on the table and sat down to polish the false
teeth. He stopped working for a while after eight, but went on doing, suddenly his son's shrill voice interrupted his concentration. His son said that the Mayor came over to have his teeth taken out. First, the dentist pretended not to be here but the Mayor heard his voice. At the same time, he was still working on his drilling. He finally stopped pedaling the drill by the word of shooing you if you didn't take out the Mayor's tooth. The Mayor showed up at the door. The dentist found that he suffered from his painful tooth many nights in his dull eyes. The Mayor sat back on the chair and felt a little better. Aurelio told him the treatment had to be no anesthesia because of an abscess. It was a lower wisdom tooth. The Mayor didn't breathe until his tooth had been taken out. Teared and perspired, he tried to put out the handkerchief in his pocket. The dentist gave him a clean cloth. The Mayor was trembling but watching dusty spider web, spider eggs and dead insects. At the end the Mayor even didn't look at the dentist despite of his asking. |
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One of These Days ぽち |
Aurelio Escovar, a dentist without a degree,
opened his office at six on Monday morning.
He began to polish false teeth. He went on
working steadily until the Mayer came to
get his tooth pulled out. The dentist didn't
want to see the Mayor, but the Mayor knew
he was there. The Mayor said that if
he didn't take put his tooth he would shoot
him. The dentist checked that his revolver
was surely in the drawer and let him in,
saying, "Come and shoot me." When the Mayor came in, he looked miserable. The right side of his face was swollen and in pain. After inspecting the infected tooth, the dentist said that it had to be done without anesthesia because of his abscess. Before the dentist pulled the tooth, he said to the Mayor, "Now you'll pay for our twenty dead men." When it was pulled the Mayor felt terrible pain and his eyes filled with tears. The Mayor dried his tears and said, "Send me a bill." The dentist asked, "To you or the town?" The Mayor didn't look at him and said, "It's the same damn thing." 遅くなりました・・・ 一体どういう町なんでしょうか。治安の悪い、危ない場所で悪徳市長(町長)が幅を利かせているようなところなんでしょうか。この歯医者もどういう歯医者なのかしら〜背景が分からないと何とも・・・。 |
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ノーベル文学賞の受賞者ガルシア・マルケス。「百年の孤独」も不思議な話でしたが長編でしたので、背景もよくわかりつつ読めたので、この作品とは違いました。コロンビアという国、なじみも薄く、この本の巻末にあるAfternoteにも特に何も書かれていなかったので、作品だけからの推測しかできませんでした。市長の歯の痛みは何のことなんだろう・・・何十人分もの死んだ人の痛みを歯を抜く痛みで味わうことになる市長。やっぱり尊敬すべき市長とは思えません。 歯科医の方も without a degreeなので、正規の歯科医ではないみたいだし。 困った・・・ さて、今月で、最初からずっと一緒に勉強会をやってきたぽちさんがやめられることになりました。とっても残念ですが、無理やりに引き止めることもできないですし。 残ったメンバーでこれからも頑張って続けていきたいです。 |
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