第十三回Net 勉強会 Snow 単語&idioms |
P286/P287/P288 | |
P286 | |
chipmunk(n) | a small American animal similar to a squirrel シマリス:背に縦縞(たてじま)のある地上性のリスの総称;北米産の Tamias 属やアジア・北米産の Eutamia 属;(特に)北米東部のトウブシマリス T.striatus |
scrape(v) | to remove something from a surface using
the edge of a knife, stick, etc (鋭い,またはざらざらした物で)…をこする,かく,磨く(down, out, off/with);〈付着物・外皮を〉(…から)(…で)こすって取り去る,はがすoff, out, down, away/from, off・with・;〈ひげを〉(…から)そり落とす(off)〈生皮を〉なめす scrape a chin (ひげをそって)あごをすべすべにする |
trellis(n) | a frame made of long narrow pieces of wood
that cross each other, used to support climbing
plants 【1】格子(lattice)【2】(ブドウなどの)蔓(つる)棚,格子垣 |
tenaciaously(adv) | |
tenacious(adj) | determined to do something and unwilling
to stop trying even when the situation becomes
difficult 【2】保持[保有]する力の強い;〈記憶力が〉強い【5】しっかりくっついて[固まって]いる,結合力のある;強靭(きょうじん)な,強い |
wind(v) | 1 to turn or twist something repeatedly,
especially around something else 【1】…を(…で)巻く(with);…を(…で)包む,囲む(up/in・ |
P287 | |
Popsicle(n) | a piece of ice, usually tasting of fruit,
that you suck on a stick, ice lolly (商標)ポップシクル:香料入りの棒につけたアイスキャンデー |
glint(v) | if a shiny surface glints, it gives out small
flases of light 【1】ちらちら光る,きらりと光る |
stoop(v) | to bend your body forwards and down 身をかがめる |
whirl(v) | 1 to spin around very quickly, or to make
something do this 【1】ぐるぐる回転[旋回]する,渦を巻く |
Queen Anne's lace(n) | ノラニンジン Daucus carota (wild carrot):セリ科の草;ニンジンの野生化したもの;主根は白色 |
solarize(v) | 【1】。写真〈画像を〉過度の露光により反転現像させる,露出しすぎる【3】日光にさらす,太陽に作用させる |
settled(adj) | 1 unlikely to change; fixed 【1】定着した,落ち着いた【4】〈天候などが〉落ち着いた |
P288 | |
can't compete with sb/sth | to not be as intersting, attractive etc as someone or something else |
the barest | the smallest or simplest possible |
futile(adj) | actions that are futile are useless because
they have no chance of being succeessful 【1】〈行為などが〉成果をもたらさない,無駄な,むなしい,効果のない【2】(内容の)つまらない,くだらない,取るに足りない,たわいもない |
birdseed(n) | a mixture of seeds for feeding birds 【1】粒餌(つぶえ):鳥の餌(えさ)にする小さい種子(を混ぜたもの) |
second | a very short period of time |
sum(v) | sum up ;to give the main information about
a report, speech, trail etc in a short statement
at the end 【3】〈人が〉締めくくる,要約する;〈裁判官・判事が〉(陪審員に)証拠[事件]の要点を述べる;要約される,要点となる |
shroud(n) | 1 a cloth that is wrapped around a dead person's
body before it is burried 2 something that
hides or covers something 【2】覆うもの,覆い |
snowplow(n) | a vehicle or piece of equipment for pushing
snow off roads, railwy etc 【1】雪かき,除雪機;(鉄道)除雪車 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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