第十三回Net 勉強会
chipmunk(n) a small American animal similar to a squirrel
シマリス:背に縦縞(たてじま)のある地上性のリスの総称;北米産の Tamias 属やアジア・北米産の Eutamia 属;(特に)北米東部のトウブシマリス T.striatus
scrape(v) to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, stick, etc
(鋭い,またはざらざらした物で)…をこする,かく,磨く(down, out, off/with);〈付着物・外皮を〉(…から)(…で)こすって取り去る,はがすoff, out, down, away/from, off・with・;〈ひげを〉(…から)そり落とす(off)〈生皮を〉なめす
scrape a chin (ひげをそって)あごをすべすべにする
trellis(n) a frame made of long narrow pieces of wood that cross each other, used to support climbing plants
tenacious(adj) determined to do something and unwilling to stop trying even when the situation becomes difficult
wind(v) 1 to turn or twist something repeatedly, especially around something else
Popsicle(n) a piece of ice, usually tasting of fruit, that you suck on a stick, ice lolly
glint(v) if a shiny surface glints, it gives out small flases of light
stoop(v) to bend your body forwards and down
whirl(v) 1 to spin around very quickly, or to make something do this
Queen Anne's lace(n) ノラニンジン Daucus carota (wild carrot):セリ科の草;ニンジンの野生化したもの;主根は白色
solarize(v) 【1】。写真〈画像を〉過度の露光により反転現像させる,露出しすぎる【3】日光にさらす,太陽に作用させる
settled(adj) 1 unlikely to change; fixed
can't compete with sb/sth to not be as intersting, attractive etc as someone or something else
the barest the smallest or simplest possible
futile(adj) actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being succeessful
birdseed(n) a mixture of seeds for feeding birds
second a very short period of time
sum(v) sum up ;to give the main information about a report, speech, trail etc in a short statement at the end
shroud(n) 1 a cloth that is wrapped around a dead person's body before it is burried 2 something that hides or covers something
snowplow(n) a vehicle or piece of equipment for pushing snow off roads, railwy etc
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDCD-ROM小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました