第十四回Net 勉強会 The Other Wife 単語&idioms |
P67/P68/P69/P70 | |
P67 | |
maitre d'(n) | French someone who is in charge
of a restaurant, and who welcomesguests, gives orders to the waiters etc メートル・ドテル:ホテルの主人[支配人] |
aspic(n) | a clear brownish jelly eaten with meat アスピック:肉または魚の煮汁にゼラチンを加えて作るゼリー アスピック:冷やしてサラダとして供するトマトジュースのゼリー;tomato aspic ともいう |
P68 | |
stricken(adj) | very badly affected by trouble, illness,
unhappiness etc 〈顔・表情などが〉苦しそうな,悲しそうな |
perspire(v) | to become wet on pat of your body, especially
because you are hot or have been doing hard
work; sweat 汗をかく,発汗する |
romaine(n) | タチチシャ Lactuca sativa longifolia:半結球状のチシャの一種;葉は長く柔らかい;romaine lettuce ともいう |
Fromage blanc(n) | 白いチーズ |
speciality(n) | a kind of food that is always very good in
a particular restaurant or area; (製造・販売業者などの)特製品,自慢[得意]の品;名産,特産(品) |
go with | to be included as part of something (納得のいくものとして)…を取り上げていくことにする,の線で行く,に決める |
chauffeur(n) | someone whose job is to drive a car for someone
else 自家用車の)お抱え運転手 |
armoire(n) | 戸と棚のついた)大型衣装だんす;移動式食器棚 |
Mercury hat(n) | おそらく、銀色の帽子だと思いますが、はっきりわかりません |
up to a point | to some extent, but not completely ある程度(までは) |
P69 | |
incompatibility(adj) | 〈人が〉(…と)(性質・考え方などで)合わない,折り合いが悪い |
well-bred(adj) | very polite, behaving or speaking as if you
come from a family of high social class 育ち[しつけ]のよい,立派に教育された;(態度・品行が)行儀のよい,上品な,優雅な |
lustrous(adj) | shining in a soft, gentle way 光沢のある,つややかな;輝く |
azure(adj) | having a bright blue color like the sky (雲ひとつない空のような)淡青紫色の,空色の,紺碧(こんぺき)の |
dusky(adj) | dark or not very bright in color 〈皮膚が〉黒ずんだ,浅黒い |
ample(adj) | more than enough (大きさ・量が)たっぷりした,豊かな;泝U曲的ふくよかな,太った;大きい(large); 広い,広大な,広々とした(spacious) |
carse(adj) | having a rough surface that feels slightly
hard 3 talking in a rude and offensive way 〈生地・肌などが〉きめの粗い |
frail(adj) | someone who is frail is thin and weak, especially
because they are old 虚弱な,ひ弱な,きゃしゃな |
vow(v) | to make a serious promise to yourself or
someone else 誓う,誓約する;(神・聖者に)誓う,誓願する;…することを(厳かに)誓う |
immodest(adj) | having a very high opinion of yourself and
your abilities, and not embrrassed about
telling people how clever you are etc 〈主張・要求などが〉無遠慮な,出しゃばった,ずうずうしい,厚かましい,出すぎた |
conspicuous(adj) | someone or something that is conspicuous
is very easy to notice, especially because
they are different from everything or everyone
else around them よく見える,よく分かる,目につきやすい |
heartily(n) | eat / drink heartily; to eat or drink a large
amount 徹底的に,完全に,すっかり |
incandescent(adj) | giving a bright light when heated まばゆいほどの,光り輝く,きらめく |
straggle(v) | to move at a slower speed than the group
you are with so that you remain at a distance
behind them 2to move, grow, or spread out
unidily in different directions (不均等に)散在する,広がる;〈服装などが〉乱れる |
P70 | |
exhale(v) | to breathe air, smoke etc out of your mouth 息を吐き出す |
knit(v) | knit your brows; to show you are worried,
thinking hard etc by moving your eyebrows
together 〈まゆを〉寄せる,しかめる |
cane(n) | thin pieces of the stems of plants used for
making furniture, baskets, etc (椅子・かごなどの細工用の)裂いたトウ |
lassitude(n) | tiredness and lack of energy 2 laziness or
lack of interest (緊張・天候などによる)疲労;だるさ,疲労感,倦怠感 |
furtively(adv) | |
furtive(adj) | behaving as if you want to keep something
secret 〈行為・行動などが〉ひそかな,人目を忍んだ,内密の,内緒の |
ruddy(adj) | a ruddy face looks pink and healthy 健康な血色の,血色のよい |
thread(v) | 〈物を〉織り混ぜる;〈物に〉(…で)筋をつけるwith・; |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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