![]() August 25, 1983 単語&idioms |
P92/P93/P94/P95/P96/P97 | |
P92 | |
relief(n) | If you feel a sense of relief, you feel
happy because somehting unpleasant
has not
happened or is no longer happening. 苦痛・悩み・圧迫などの)緩和,軽減,除去(alleviation);(苦痛などの去った後の)安心,安堵 |
resignation(n) | Resignation is the acceptance of an unpleasant
situation or fact because you realize
you cannot change it. あきらめ,諦念(ていねん), 諦観;服従,忍従;甘受 |
duplicate(v) | If you duplicate something that has already
been done, you repeat or copy it. …の写しを作る,複製[複写]する;正副2通作る;〈姿・状況を〉再現する |
pot(v) | If you pot a younger plant, or part of a
plant, you put it into a cntainer filled
with soil, so it can grow there. …を鉢[鍋,壺,瓶]に入れる |
hotel-keeper(n) | ホテル経営者[所有者] |
register(n) | A register is an official list or record
of people or things. 宿泊名簿 |
correct someone | If you correct someone, you say somehing which you think is more accurate or appropriate than what they have just said. |
P93 | |
tend(v) | If you tend someone or something, you do
what is necessasry to keep them in a good
condition or to improve their condition 世話をする,面倒を見る |
harsh(adj) | Something that is harsh is so hard, bright,
or rough that it seems unpleasant or harmful. 〈色などが〉目ざわりな,粗っぽい,けばけばしい |
wizen(v) | (英方言)しおれる,しおれさせる;しぼむ,しぼませる;干からびる,しなびる,枯らす |
stucco(n) | Stucco is a type of plaster used for covering
walls and decorating ceillings. (れんが・木骨造りなどの外装の)石目塗りしっくい:通例,セメント,砂,消石灰を水でこねて塗る (壁・表面仕上げ・刳形(くりがた)などの)化粧しっくい細工 |
molding(n) | A moulding is a strip of plaster or wood
along the top of a wall or round a door,
which has been made into an ornamental shape
or decorated with a pattern. 回り縁:壁と天井との継ぎ目のすぐ下の細長い刳形(くりがた)の断面をした木材その他の材料 装飾的な凹凸がついて浮き出た表面[帯,縁] (建築・家具・額縁の周りなどの)(1)刳形,蛇腹,モールディング(2)細長い刳形材 |
fade(v) | If memories, feelings or possibilities fade,
they slowly become less intense or less strong. 〈新鮮さ・力・活気・健康などが〉失われる,衰える |
hackneyed(adj) | If you describe somehting such as a saying
or an image as hackneyed, you think it is
no longer likely to interest, amuse or affect
people because it has been used, seen, or
heard many times before. 使い古された,陳腐な 世間ずれした,世慣れた |
pedantic (adj) | If you think someone is pedantic, you mean
that they are too concerned with unimportant
details or traditional rules, especially
in connection wiht academic subjects. 想像力の乏しい,つまらない 学者ぶった,物知り顔の,衒学(げんがく)的な;学問の世界に閉じこもった |
allusion(n) | An allusion is an indirect reference to someone
or something. (…の)さりげない言及,ほのめかし,当てつけ;(直接にまたは言外に)触れること;引喩 |
coin(v) | If you coin a word or a phrse, you are the
first person to say it. 〈新語などを〉つくり出す,案出する |
P94 | |
Adrogue | アルジェンティーナのブエノス・アイレスの市 |
farthest | far の最上級 |
defiance(n) | Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which
shows that you are not willing to obey someone. (権威・敵対者などに対する)果敢な抵抗[反抗,服従拒否] (戦い・競争などを)挑むこと,挑戦 |
Borges | Jorge Luis,ボルヘス(1899-1986):アルゼンチンの詩人・短編作家;Ficciones『伝奇集』(1944) (この短編の作者) |
P95 | |
Swedenborg | Emanuel Swed. ,(Emanuel Swedberg), スウェーデンボリ,(1688-1772):スウェーデンの神秘主義者・自然科学者・哲学者 |
medallion(n) | A medallion is a round metal disc which some
people wear as an ornament, especially
a chain round their neck, 大メダル (一般に)メダル形[円形,長円形]のもの (1)円形浮き彫り(の装飾,肖像)(2)(じゅうたん・レースなどの)円や長円で囲った装飾意匠のモチーフ |
Fedral Cross | ![]() |
Keats | キーツ:John,(1795-1821):英国のロマン派詩人 |
elegy(n) | An elegy is a sad poem, often about someone
who has died. (特に人の死を悼む)哀歌,悲歌,挽歌 |
miscellaneous(adj) | A miscellaneous group consists of many different
kinds of things or people that are difficult
to put into a particular category. 種々雑多の(要素から成る), 寄せ集めの |
inflict(v) | To inflict harm or damage on someone or something
means to make them suffer it. 〈負担を〉(…に)負わせる;〈刑罰などを〉科する,加える |
Goethe | Joキhann Wolfgang von ゲーテ(1749-1832):ドイツの詩人・作家・哲学者;Die Leiden des jungen Werthers『若きウェルテルの悩み』(1774), Faust『ファウスト』(1808-32) |
Salammbo | 『サランボー』:Flaubert の歴史小説;ポエニ戦争での将軍の娘サランボーの悲恋を描く(1862) |
Ulysses | ユリシーズ (作者、ジェームズ・ジョイス) |
oppressive(adj) | An oppressive situation makes you feel depressed
and uncomfortable. 苦しい,つらい 不快にさせる,うんざりさせる,うっとうしい 〈支配者が〉圧制的な,暴虐な;〈税・処置が〉不当に厳しい,過酷な;ひどく差別的な |
Juan Murana | ? |
Macedonio | アルジェンティーナの作家(らしい・・・) |
enumeration(n) | 列挙,枚挙;数え(上げ)ること,計数,計数値 目録,一覧表(list). |
prose(n) | Prose is ordinary written language, in contrast
to poetry. 散文,散文体 平凡,単調;無味乾燥;詩趣のない[単調な]文;退屈な話 |
P96 | |
glee(n) | Glee is a feeling or happiness and excitement,
often caused by someone else's misfortune. 大喜び,歓喜 (他人の不幸・失敗を)喜ぶ[ほくそ笑む]こ |
apocryphal(adj) | An apocryphal story is one which is probably
not true or did not happen, but which may
give a true picture of someone or something. 著作者[典拠]の疑わしい |
vulgar(adj) | If you describe something as vulgar, you
think it is bad tase or of poor artistic
quality. 低俗な,無作法な,鼻持ちならない,趣味の悪い,無教養な,卑俗な |
disciple(n) | If you are someone's disciple, you are influenced
by their teachings and try to follow their
example. 弟子,門人,門弟,門下生,信奉者 |
dogmatic(adj) | If you say that someone is dogmatic, you
are critical of them because they are
that they are right, and refuse to
that other opinions might also be justified. 〈人・態度が〉独断的な,独善的な,自説を譲らない |
impunity(n) | If you say that someone does something with
impunity, you disapprove of the fact that
they are not punished for doing something
bad. 刑罰[害,損失]を免れること,無事 |
ape(v) | If you ape someone's speech or behaviour,
you imitate it. (下手に・不器用に)まねる,模倣する |
pathetic(adj) |
If you describe a person or animal as pathetic,
you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless,
and they make you feel very sorry for them. 哀愁に満ちた,哀れを誘う,哀れな,痛ましい |
P97 | |
stoic(n) | If you say that someone is a stoic, you approve of them because they do not complain or show they are upset in bad situations. |
sloth(n) | Sloth is laziness, especially with regard
to work. 怠惰,ものぐさ,無精 |
hexameter(n) | 。韻律「(ギリシア・ラテンの叙事詩の)長短短六歩格(の詩行):初めの4詩脚は長短短格(dactyl)または長長格(spondee), 第5詩脚は通例,長短短格,第6詩脚は長短格(trochee)または長長格で,休止(caesura)は通例,第3詩脚の長音節の後にくるもの |
onwards | In British English, onward is an adverb and
onward is an adjective. In American English
and sometimes in formal British English,
onward may also be an adverb. Onward means moving forward or continuing a juney. (空間・時間的に)前方へ,先へ,進んで |
prophetic(adj) | If something was prophetic, it described
or suggested something that did actually
happen later. 預言的(性質を持つ);〈人が〉預言する力[機能]を持つ |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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