第十五回Net 勉強会 Bigfoot Stole My Wife 単語&idioms |
P194/P195/P196/P197/P198 | |
P194 | |
Bigfoot(n) | ビッグフット:米国とカナダの太平洋岸に近い山中に出るといわれる猿人(Sasquatch, omah)の別名 |
credibility(n) | the quality of diserving to be believed and
trusted 信用できること,威信,信頼[信憑(しんぴょう)]性,確実[真実]性 |
track(n) | a circular course around which runners, cars
etc race, often with a specially prepared
surface (競走用の)トラック(競馬場の)走路 |
funny(adj) | unusual and difficult to explain 奇妙な,変な,妙な,不思議な |
one of these days | at some time in the future (特に悪事を働いている人・傲慢(ごうまん)な人に報いが)近いうちに |
cut-off(n) | short trousers that you make by cutting off
the bottom part of trousers カットオフ(ス):ジーンズをひざの上で切っただけのようなショートパンツ |
obvious(adj) | easy to notice or understand 明らかな,明白な; 理解しやすい |
P195 | |
weigh(v) | to consider something carefully so that you
can make a decision about it 慎重に考慮する,熟考する |
roster(n) | a list of people's names showing the jobs
they must do and the times when they must
do them 名簿,登録簿 |
mess(n) | a situation in which a place looks very untidy
or dirty, with things spread all around 2
a situation in which there are a lot of problems
and difficulties, especially as a result
of mistakes or carelessness 混乱[無秩序,乱雑] 状態(事態・立場などの)紛糾[混乱]状態;窮境,窮地 |
train(v) | to teach an animal to do something or to
behave correctly 仕込む,調教する |
rate(v) | to deserve …に値する,…するだけの価値がある |
nag(v) | to keep complaining to someone about their
bhaviour or asking them to do something in
a way that is very annoying 〈人に〉しつこく小言[文句]を言って悩ます;〈人に〉うるさく要求して苦しめる |
daily double(n) | (競馬・ドッグレースで)重勝式の賭(か)け,二重勝:(通例,第1,第2の)2レースを一組にして,それぞれの一着馬を当てる方式 |
pay for | (…の)代金を払う,支払いをする |
P196 | |
cramp(v) | to prevent the development of someone's ablity
to do something 閉じ込める |
dare(v) | to try to persuade someone to do something
dangerous or embarrassing as a way of proving
that they are brave 〈人に〉(…するように)けしかける,挑戦する,やるならやってみろと言う |
poke(v) | if something is poking through or out of
something else, you can see part of it but
not all of it 〈頭・指・棒などを〉(…から)ぐっと突き出す,押し出す |
tip(n) | special information about which horse will
win a race (賭(か)け・投機・新聞記事などのための)内密の[内々の]情報,内報,秘密情報;(一般に)(…についての)情報,予想 |
buck(n) | a dollar (賭博(とばく)で,特に賭(か)け金としての)100ドル |
Harley River | ? |
mile(n) | 1 kilometre=0.6214 miles |
Mercy | ? |
potash(n) | a sort of potasium used especially in farming
to make the soil better 炭酸カリウム(potassium carbonate)の俗称;特に木灰から得られる不純物の多いもの(2)(工業用・肥料用の)カリ化合物 |
Dude | ? |
fold-out(n) | (雑誌や書籍の)折り込み,とじ込み(ページ) |
P197 | |
Griggs | Griggs County だとしたら、North Dacodaの郡 |
buck(v) | if a car buck, it moves forward in a way
which is not smooth, but stops and starts
suddenly 急にがくんと動く[動きだす] |
holler(v) | to shout loudly (…に)大声を上げる,叫ぶ,わめく |
no sweat | used to say that you can do something easily |
sweat(v) | (心配・悩み・いらだちのため)苦しむ,不安になる,じりじりする,ひどい目にあう |
commit(v) | to do something wrong or illegal 犯す |
crest(v) | if a wave crests it reaches its highest point
before it falls 〈川が〉最高水位に達する |
unmoor(v) | to unfasten a ship or boat from the land
or from the bottom of the sea unting ropes
or an anchor 〈船から〉抜錨(ばつびょう)する,〈船の〉ともづな[係留]を解く |
Exxon Station | ガソリンスタンド(Exxonはエクソン:米国の石油会社) |
fold up | if an organisation folds up, it closes because
it does not have enough money to continue 〈事業などを〉たたむ,やめる |
Painters' Mercantile | ? |
rip(v) | to remove something from a surface using
the edge of a knife, stick, etc 突っ走る |
growl(v) | if an animal growls it makes a long deep
angry sound 〈雷・車などが〉ゴロゴロ[ガラガラ]鳴る,〈大砲などが〉とどろく |
rumble(v) | to move slowly while making this sound (雷・地震・車などのように)低く重々しい連続音を出す |
stump(n) | the bottom part of tree that left in the
ground after the rest of it has been cut
down (木の)切り株,根株,刈り株 |
wham(n) | the sound made when something is hit very
hard (爆発や激しい衝突によって起こる)ガン[ドカン]という大きな音 |
P198 | |
lodge(v) | to become firmly stuck somewhere, or make
something become stuck 〈風・雨などが〉〈作物を〉なぎ倒す,ぺちゃんこに倒す |
wheel(v) | wheel around; to turn around suddenly (くるりと)方向[向き]を変える,ぐるりと回る |
knickknack(n) | a small object used as a decoration 小間物;小装身具,小さい置き物;ちょっとした骨董(こっとう)品. |
fly by | さっと飛んで行く |
artillery(n) | large guns, esepcially ones on wheels or
fixed in one place, such as on a ship 集合的砲,大砲 |
take on | (話)興奮する,取り乱す;悲嘆に暮れる |
hug(v) | to hold something in your arms close to your
chest しがみつく,抱きつく |
swish(v) | to move or make something move quickly through
the air with a smooth quiet sound 〈棒・むちなどが〉ヒューッと音をたてる[音をたてて動く](along, down)〈小波などが〉サーッと音をたてる |
right along | right along/through/into/around etc; all the way along, through |
ram(v) | to push something into a position using great
force …を大きな力で打つ[ぶつける];〈車などが〉(…に)激突する |
sweep(v) | if winds, waves, storms etc sweep a place
or sweep through, across etc a place, they
move quickly and with a lot of force 〈波・急流・なだれ・風などが〉…を押し流す,洗い流す |
Lime Falls | ? |
Willows | ? |
Regional School | ? |
monastery(n)) | a buliding or group of buildings in which
monks live (主に男子の)修道院 |
Malcolm County | ? |
haul(v) | to pull something heavy with a continuous,
steady movement …を(力を入れて)引っ張る,引きずる;…をたぐる |
rig(n) | a large truck (話)自動車,バス,(大型)トラック,(18輪)トレーラー,大型ワゴン |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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