第十一回Net 勉強会 Don't You Blame Anyone 単語&idioms |
rummage(v) | to serch for something by moving things around in a careless
way 〈場所・入れ物などを〉(…を求めて)くまなく捜す,かき回して捜す(for) |
pull off | 衣服を脱ぐ |
limp(adj) | not firm or strong 〈物が〉締まりのない,ぐにゃっとした,だらりとした |
maneuver(n) | a skillful and carefully movement that you
make, for example in order to avoid something
or go through narrow space 巧みに扱う[誘導する],さばく,うまく処理する,操る |
gloom(n) | alomost complete darkness (通例 the gloom)暗闇(くらやみ); 薄暗さ;暗い物陰,薄暗い場所 |
stifle(v) | to stop someone from breathing or be unable
to breathe comfortably, especially because
the air is too hot or not fresh 息苦しくさせる,息を詰まらせる |
stain(v) | 1to accidentally make a mark on something,
especially one that cannot be removed, or
to be marked in this way 2 to change a the
color of something, especially chemical or
dye 【1】…に染みをつける,(…で)よごす【4】〈木材・布などを〉(物質の化学的変化・反応によって)(…の色に)色付けする,染色する |
gulp(v) | gulp in ; to take in quick large breaths
of air 【2】急いで[ごくりと]飲み込む,ゴクゴク飲む,がつがつ食べる |
fluff(n) | soft, light bits of threads or wool that
have come from wool, cotton, or other materials 毛玉;毛ぼこり |
dampness(n) | the state or condition of being slightly
wet (不快な)湿気,湿り,水気 |
mingle(v) | if two feelings, sounds, smell etc mingle,
they combine with each other but can still
be recognized separately 混ざる,一緒になる,解け合う;〈人・物が〉(…と)混じる(together/with) |
bat(v) | to hit the ball with a bat in cricket or
baseball 〈まぶたを〉動かす(wink);〈目を〉しばたたく,ぱちくりさせる;〈翼を〉ばたばた動かす |
dangle(v) | to hang or swing loosely, or make something
do this ぶら下がる |
taut(adj) | streched tight ぴんと張った,張り詰めた |
euphoric(adj) | feeling very happy nad excited |
gymnastics(n) | a sport involving skilled and controlled
physical exercises and movements, often performed
in competitions 体操,運動 |
surreptitious(adj) | done ssecretly or quickly because you do
not want other people to notice 【2】こっそり行動する,こそこそ振る舞う【3】不正の,無許可の,偽の;だまして手に入れた |
irreproachable(adj) | something such as someone's behaviour that
is irreproachable is so good that you cannot
criticize it 〈人・行為が〉非の打ち所のない,落ち度のない |
utilitarian(adj) | useful and practical rather than being used
for decoration 実用的な |
culpable(adj) | deserving blame 〈人・行為が〉非難される,不埒(ふらち)な |
hapharzard(adj) | happening or done in a way that is not planned
or recognized でたらめの,計画性のない;偶然の;当てのない |
glueshness(n) | glue(糊の)のような |
blindfolded(adv) | with your eyes covered 目隠しされて |
lacerate(v) | to tear skin or flesh with something sharp (ずたずたに)切り[引き]裂く |
willpower(n) | the ability to control your mind and body
in order to achieve something that you want
to do 意志力 |
cold(n) | the cold; a very low temperature outside 寒さ |
caress(v) | to gently touch someone in a way that shows
you love them (比喩的)(愛撫するように)軽く触れる[なでる] |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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