第回23Net 勉強会 2003,8

a large untidy pile of things
(積み重ねた)山(状のもの), 堆積(たいせき)(物), 塊

clothesline(n) a long thin rope on which you hang clothes to dry outdoors
British Equivalent

without a hat or other covering on your head
頭がむき出しの[で],無帽の[で].(また bareheaded)


a thin piece of fruit, vegetabel, or meat covered with a mixture of eggs and flour and cooked in hot fat

sweet oil(n)

=olive oil

soak(v) If you soak something, or if you let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean
gum(n) a type of glue used to stick light things such as paper together
ゴム糊(のり), アラビア糊
benna ??? Bennaという歌手がいるらしいんですが、「Girl」の中で小文字でbennaと書かれていて、Bennaの歌う曲のことなのか????
turn your stomach to make you feel sick or upset
turn a person's stomach (人を)むかつかせる;(人に)吐き気を催させる
bent on something completely determined to do something, especially something bad
becoming(adj) a piece of clothing, a hairstyle, etc that is becoming makes you look attractive
wharf-rat ドブネズミ、波止場ごろ
wharf(n) a structure that is built out into the water so that boats can stop next to it
rat boy (特に警官殺しの)非行少年
hem(v) to turn under the edge of a piece of material or clothing and stich it in place

a line on a piece of cloth, paper etc where it has been folded, crushed, or pressed

okra(n) a green vegetable used in cooking, especially in Asia and the southern US
harbor(v) to contain something, especially something hidden and dangerous
to protect and hide criminals that the police are searching for
dassheen(n) サトイモ,タロイモ
spit(n) the watery liquid that is produced in our mouth
douhona(n) ???
pepper pot(n) おそらくJamaican pepper pot soupのこと。以下がレシピです。

1 (10.00 ounces) package frozen okra, sliced
1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
1 cup green bell pepper, seeded, chopped
1/4 cup instant onion, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves, crushed
1/2 teaspoon marjoram, crushed
1/2 teaspoon rosemary, crushed
1/4 teaspoon instant garlic, minced
1 pinch red pepper, ground
6 cups chicken stock
2 lbs small shrimp, peeled, deveined (51-60)
1 cup cream of coconut, canned
10 lime slices

1. Combine okra, spinach, green pepper, minced onion, salt, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, minced garlic, red pepper and chicken stock in large stockpot. Heat to boiling.
2. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, 30 minutes.
3. Add shrimp and coconut milk.
4. Simmer until shrimp are cooked, about 5 minutes.
5. Serve garnished with lime slices.
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