勉強会 An Insolvable Problem Of Genetics 単語&idioms |
P75/P76/P77/P78/P79 | |
P75 | |
preparatory(adj) | Preparatory actions are done before doing
something else as a form of preparation or
as an introduction. 準備の,予備の 進学準備の |
laud(v) | If people laud someone, they praise and admire
them. 褒めたたえる |
comparable(adj) | Something that is comparable to something
else is roughly similar, for example in amout
or importance. (…と)比較できる;(比較できるほど)(…と)共通[類似]点のある |
aforementioned(adj) | If you refer to the aforementioned person
or subject, you mean the person or
that has already been mentioned. 前述の,前記の |
illegitimate(adj) | A perosn who is illegitimate was born of
parents who were not married to each other. 〈子供が〉私生の,非嫡出の,庶出の |
P76 | |
extol(v) | If you extol something or someone, you praise
them enthusiastically. 激賞[絶賛]する,褒めたたえる,褒めそやす |
origin(n) | When you talk about a person's origin or
origins, you are referring to the country,
race, or social class of their parents or
ancestors. ((ばしば origins))生まれ,出生,出身,家柄,素性,血統 |
wedlock(n) | Wedlock is the state of being married. 婚姻,結婚[夫婦]生活 |
matriculation(n) | 大学入学 |
hearten(v) | If someone is heartened by something, it
encourages them and makes them cheerful. ((ばしば受身))元気[勇気]づける,励ます,鼓舞する,自信を持たせる |
nuptial(n) | Nuptial is used to refer to things relating
to wedding or to marriage. Someone's nuptials are their wedding celebrations. 結婚,婚礼 |
migrant(n) | A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work. |
migrant worker | 渡り労働者,季節労働者 |
seduce(v) | If something seduces you, it is so attractive
that it makes you do something that
you would
not otherwise do. 〈人を〉そそのかす,誘惑する;〈人を〉そそのかして(…)させる[させない] 〈婦女を〉(言葉巧みに)誘う,口説く,たらし込む,だまして性交をする[貞操を奪う] |
recoil(v) | If something makes you recoil, you move your
body quickly away from it because it frightens,
offends, or hurts you. 退く,後退する,退却[敗走]する;(驚き・恐怖・嫌悪などのために)後ずさりする,しりごみする,(…に)ひるむ,はっと飛びのく |
Lysenko | ルイセンコ(1898-1976):ソ連の生物学者・農学者 |
P77 | |
friar(n) | A friar is a member of one of several Catholic
religious orders. 修道士,会士:修道会の会員,(特に)フランシスコ会,ドミニコ会,カルメル会およびアウグスティノ会の托鉢(たくはつ)修道会の会員;修道院に定住しない |
hue(n) | A hue is a color. 色合い,色調 |
reconnaissance(n) | Reconnaissance is the activity of obtaining
military information about a place by sending
soldiers or planes there, or by the use of
satelites. [軍事]偵察(隊) |
penetrate(v) | If something or someone penetrates a physical
object or an area, they succeed in getting
into it or passing through it. 〈人が〉…の中に入り込む,侵入する;〈組織・スパイ網に〉潜入する〈人が〉…の中に入り込む,侵入する;〈組織・スパイ網に〉潜入する |
persecute(v) | If someone is persecuted, they are treated
cruelly and unfairly, often because of their
raice or beliefs. 〈人を〉(特に宗教・人種・信仰のために)しつこく苦しめる,しいたげる,迫害[圧迫]する,罰する 〈人を〉(質問などで)うるさく悩ます,苦しめる,わずらわす;〈動物を〉(仕事などで)酷使する |
rejoinder(v) | |
rejoinder(n) | A rejoinder is a reply, especially a quick,
witty, or critical one, to a question or
remark. (返答に対する)返答,応答;言い返し,口答え |
slander(v) | To slander someone means to say untrue things
about them in order to damage their
reputation. …の悪口を言う,中傷する,名誉を毀損する;…の虚偽宣伝をする |
ponderous(adj) | Ponderous writing or speech is very serious,
uses more words than necessary, and is rather
dull. 重苦しい,生気を欠く,退屈な;〈論文などが〉ぎこちない,不自然な |
prevail(v) | If a proposal, principle, or opinion prevails,
it gains influence or is accepted,
after a struggle or argument. 優勢である,支配する,幅を利かせる |
fidget(v) | If you fidget, you keep moving your hands
or feet slightly or changing your position
slightly, for example because you are nervous,
bored, or excited. そわそわ[もじもじ,いらいら]する;くよくよする |
P78 | |
absorption(n) | The absorption of a group into a larger group
is the process of it becoming part of the
larger group. 統合,合併,併合,編入 組合員優先雇用 |
heredity(n) | Heredity is the process by which features
and characteristics are passed on from parents
to their children before the chidren are
born. (形質)遺伝 |
progenitor(n) | A progenitor of someone is a direct ancestor
of theirs. (生物学的な)先祖; |
transgression(n) | If someone transgresses, they break a moral
law or a rule of behaviour. (範囲・限度・境界などからの)逸脱;(法・命令などへの)違反,違背;犯罪,(宗教上の)罪 |
nonetheless(adv) | Nontheless means the same as nevertheless. それにもかかわらず |
deteriorate(v) | If something deteriorates, it becomes worse
in some way. (人格・品質・価値などが)低下する,駄目になる;〈道徳などが〉退廃する,衰える |
P79 | |
obscurantist(n) | If you describe something as obscurantist,
you mean that it is deliberately vague and
difficult to understand, so that it prevents
people from finding out the truth about it. 反啓蒙主義,蒙昧(もうまい)主義:知識の増進・普及に反対すること |
uproot(v) | If you uproot yourself or if you are uprooted,
you leave, or are made to leave, a
where you have lived for a long time. …を根こぎにする,引っこ抜く …を(生まれ育った土地・環境から)立ち退かせる,追い払う,追い立てる,引き離す |
imbecile(n) | If you call someone an imbecile, you are
showing that you think they are stupid
have done something stupid. 痴愚:白痴(idiocy)より軽度で,精神年齢が7,8歳ぐらい,知能指数が25-50ぐらいの精神薄弱者. ばか,まぬけ,愚か者 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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