An Insolvable Problem Of Genetics

Summary (締め切り 03年11月30日)

Written By Josef Skvorecky(P75~P79)
Courage to marry


My brother, Adolf had fell in love with an actress and he sent hundreds letters, but he received no response, then he gave up her and got a girl friend, Freddie who looked little bit like the actress.
One day Adolf and Freddie sang a song which protested against discrimination. My parents applauded and cursed South African racists. Then Adolf and Freddie told they would marry before the matriculation examination.
My parents welcomed their decision because early marriage would prevent the decrease of the population.
Freddie confessed her father was an American black migrant worker whose skin was really black although her skin was white.
My parents was shocked not because they were racists, but because Adolf and Freddies would may have a black skin.
If their child had a black skin, people would think the father of the child was not Adolf.
My parents borrowed book about genetics, but they couldn't get a satisfactory answer. They told Adolf how they were thinking Adolf's marriage, and he also began worrying.
My parents, Adolf and my sister began tell anyone in town who was Freddie's father. This provoked Freddie's mother to get angry and Freddie herself as well. Their relationship broke.
After Freddie gave a birth to twins whose father, of course Adolf : their skins are not black. If Adolf had more courage to marry to her how matter genetics mattered, things were different.

もし、私がAdolf だったら(男で)、どうしただろう。やっぱり不安で結婚できなくなったか・・


An Insolvable Problem of Genetics
This is a true story that happened to a friend of the authors', showing that even a person who is not a racist, under certain circumstances, may get into trouble because of race.
Adolf started hanging around with Freddie, who was white skinned with a skinny figure and seemly features. His parents welcomed his decision because she was an illegitimate daughter of a lady, from a family with an excellent profile, but only one thing really bothered them, which was her given name.
One day his father asked Freddie, singing a protest song against racial discrimination, why her name was of English origin. Having just decided to marry Adolf, she willingly explained that her father was a very black skinned American migrant worker and she inherited her name from him.
Father diligently studied various books about genetics, trying to find a satisfactory answer to the question why totally white skinned girl's father was very black, but got no clear answer. Then he advised Adolf to break off the relationship for fear of possibility that Freddie having a black child, which people in town would surely misunderstand that the child's father was one of the African students residing there.
However Adolf loved Freddie so much that he couldn't give her up. So what Adolf and his father did next was to spread all around the town that Freddie's father was a very black American migrant worker, telling impliedly it was likely that she would have a black child even if her husband was white skinned. But this really got on Freddie's nerve, and she told Adolf in their arguments that her ancestors came from various origin, such as Japanese, Pygmy, Jewish gypsy. They broke up after all. Adolf's desperate efforts went down the drain.
A little later Freddie had twins, one was a boy and the other a girl, but both were completely pink. No explanation for that phenomenon were in books.
An Insolvable Problem of Genetics

My brother Adolf fell in love with a girl. Her name was Freddie Mourek, whose figure was very alike the actress he wrote the letters more than two hundreds in the past. His parents welcomed Freddie because of her excellent class profile.
One day, she was invited by Adolf to his house. She sang a black American song. This song was against racial discrimination. Adolf's father asked her some questions why such a young girl was so aggressive for the Young Communist League, and her name origin. Freddie thought it was a good time to reveal them her name secret because they were engaged. She explained that her name was inherited from her father, also added her father was completely black. But she was very white.
Adolf's father tried to investigate of heredity whether they would have dark skinned baby. His concern was; if they had a black baby, it would be scandal. Nobody would recognize the baby is Adolf's. He urged they break up the relationship. However what Adolf's family did was to spread all over the town about Freddie's father. That made Freddie so angry and upset. Finally, she left Adolf, having mentioned her blood owned even Japanese, African and Jewish.
After a while, she had twin babies. Both are completely pink. What a sarcastic the genetics that is.


でも、黒い肌の子どもが産まれ、自分の子どもではないと世間から見られれのを 恐れて、彼女の親は黒人だと町中の人にふれまわって、愛想をつかされるAdolf。

An Insolvable Problem of Geneticsの単語/Summary 提出後のMLでの討論/

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