![]() Love, Your Only Mother 単語&idioms |
P85/P86/P87/P88 | |
P85 | |
postmark(n) |
A postmark is a mark which is printed on letters and packages at a post office. It shows the time and place at which something was posted. (郵便物の)消印 |
date(v) | When you date something such as a letter or a cheque, you write that day's date one it. 〈手紙・文書・作品・貨幣などに〉年月日を書く,日付を入れる |
turnpike(n) | A turnpike is a road, especially an expressway, which people have to pay to drive on. ターンパイク:高速道路,(特に)有料高速道路 |
wandering(n) | Wandering is used to describe people who travel around than staying in one place for a long time. ((通例 wanderings))当てのない旅,放浪[漫遊]の旅 支離滅裂の思考[言葉];(高熱による)うわごと (正規のまたは通常の)コースを外れること,逸脱,脱線 |
grunt(v) | If you grunt, you make a low sound, especially because you are annoyed or not intersted in something. …をうなるように言う |
P86 | |
aquamarine(n) |
Aquamarine is used to describe things that are greenish-blue in colur. 淡青緑色,藍青色 |
Ferndale | 米国 Michigan 州南東部,Detroit 北郊の都市 |
vow(v) | If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it. 誓う,誓約する;(神・聖者に)誓う,誓願する…することを(厳かに)誓う |
mull(v) | If you mull something, you think about it for a long time before deciding what to do. 熟考する,ゆっくりと考える |
in favor of |
If you are in foavor of something, you support it and think that it is a good thing 〈人に〉味方して〈事が〉…に有利に,の利益になるように |
singularity(n) | 単独(性), 単一(性) |
P87 | |
blip(n) |
A blip in a straight line, such as the line on a graph, is a point at which the line suddenly makes a sharp change of direction before returning to its original direction. 表示装置のスクリーン上の輝点 |
P88 | |
buoy(n) |
A buoy is a floating object that is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger. ブイ,浮標,浮き:水路,投錨(とうびょう)地,航行障害物などを示す錨(いかり)固定の浮き |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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