![]() On Hope 単語&idioms |
P51/P52/P53/P54 | |
P51 | |
shudder(v) |
to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because
you think something is very unpleasant |
Rock of Gibraltar | ジブラルタルの岩 ジブラルタルのほとんど全域を占める険しい岩山;Pillars of Hercules
の一つ;高さ426m, 長さ4km. ((ジブラルタル:英国の直轄植民地でスペイン南端近くの狭い半島にある,要塞化された港市) ) |
tame(adj) |
a tame animal or bird is not wild any longer, because it has been trained
to live with people |
demon(n) |
something that makes you anxious and causes you problems. |
amber(n) |
a hard yellowish brown substance used to make jewellery |
entourage(n) | a group of people who travel with an important person ((集合的))(身分ある人などの)側近,取り巻き連;随行車群 |
Diamond of Hope | |
P52 | |
gem(n) |
(also gem stone) a beautiful stone that has been cut into a special
shape |
implore(v) | to ask for something in an emottional way 〈人に〉(助け・慈悲などを)懇願する,哀願する,嘆願する |
plung(v) | to move, fall, or be thrown suddenly forwards or downwards …を(ある状態に)追い込む,陥れる;…を無理やりに(…)させる |
P53 | |
dorsal(adj) | on or relating to the back of an animal or fish |
dorsal fin | (魚などの)背びれ |
ablaze(adj) | burning strongly with a lot of flames very bright or colorful feeling or showing strong emotion, especially anger 燃えて,燃え立って 興奮して,激怒して |
festivites(n) | things such as drinking, eating, or dancing that are
done to celebrate a special occasion 祝祭の催し物[行事]祭儀 |
P54 | |
recede(v) | if something you can see or hear recedes, it gets further and further away until disappears |
reced into the distance | 遠くに消えていく |
smack of sth | if a situation smacks of something unpleasant, it
seems to involve that thing (…)じみたところがある,(…の)気味がある |
devour(v) | to eat somethingb quickly because you are very hungry
〈人・動物が〉…をむさぼり食う;食い尽くす |
manifestation(n) |
a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists |
figmentof somebody's imagination |
something that you imagine is real, but which does not exist |
figment(n) | 想像の産物,空想,幻想 |
smell trouble/danger etc | to feel that something is going to happen, especially something bad |
in possession of sth | if something is in your possession, you own it, or
you have obtained it from somewhre 所有,所持;占有 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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