第十六回Net 勉強会 Katya 単語&idioms |
P250/P251/P252/P253/P254 | |
P250 | |
foyer(n) | a small room or hall at the entrance to a
private house 入り口の間 |
windup clock(n) | ねじ巻き式の時計 |
flannelette(n) | soft cotton cloth used especially for night
clothes, sheets etc 綿ネル:起毛した柔らかい綿織物 |
Abd-ur-rahman Jami | Abdorrahman Jami ;ジャーミー(1414-92):ペルシアの詩人・神秘主義者;Haft Aurang『七つの王座』 |
Pavel | 名前 |
washbasin(n) | a container like a small sink used for washing
your hands and face 洗面器 |
arise(v) | 〈風などが〉吹き出す;〈霧などが〉生じる,立ち込める;〈煙などが〉昇る;〈声などが〉わき上がる |
persuade(v) | to make someone believe something or feel
sure about something; convince 〈人に〉(…を)確信させる,思い込ませる,納得させる |
sonwdrift | a deep mass of snow piled up by the wind 雪の吹きだまり[吹き寄せ];風に吹き寄せられてたまった雪 |
halfway(adv) | at a middle point in space or time between
two things もう少しで;今にも |
P251 | |
precipitation(n) | rain, snow etc that falls on the ground,
or the amount of rain, snow etc that falls 降水,降水量,降雨量 |
Marshal Voroshilov | ボロシーロフ,ウォロシーロフ(1881-1969); ソ連の政治家・元帥;最高会議幹部会議長(国家元首)(1953-60). |
saber(n) | 1 a light pointed sword with one sharp edge
used in fencing 2 a heavy sword with a curved
blade, used in more former times (特に騎兵隊の用いる)サーベル,軍刀 |
Major Koyba | ? |
barbell(n) | a metal bar with weights at each end, which
you lift to make you stronger バーベル |
outdrink(v) | ? |
much less | much/still less; certainly not いわんや[まして,なおさら]…でない |
swish(n) | シュッという動き[音] |
windowpane(n) | a single whole piece of glass in a window (枠の中にはまっている1枚の)窓ガラス |
P252 | |
slant(v) | to slope or move in a sloping line …を斜めに打つ[切る]…を斜めに打つ[切る] |
platoon(n) | a small group of soldiers which is part of
company and is commanded by a lieutenant (歩兵・工兵などの)小隊 |
trudge(v) | to walk with slow, heavy steps, especially
because you are tired 歩く;(特に)重い足取りで[とぼとぼと]歩く |
Economic Administration | 経済行政(?) |
yataghan(n) | トルコの剣,ヤタガン:緩く S 字形に反った刃と鋭い切っ先を持ち,つばがない |
scabbard(n) | a metal or leather cover for the blade of
a knife or sword; sheath (刀などの)鞘 |
prison knife(n) | 手作りのナイフ(だと思います)http://www.newdominion.com/mow3.html(参照) |
lock(v) | to fasten something with a lock or be fastend
with a lock …を(錠などで)固定する |
locking pin(n) | ロックピン(ピン・短い棒の形をした鍵) http://www.pivotpins.com/locking-pin.htm(参照) |
kindling(n) | small pieces of dry wood, leaves etc that
you use for starting a fire たきつけ |
chip off | to remove something by breaking it off in
small pieces (…から)〈小片などを〉切り[削り,はがし]取る |
Vozhael | モスクワの中の地名だと思われる |
vulgarian(n) | 俗物,下卑た人;(特に)俗悪な成り上がり者,素姓の卑しい成金 |
play up to | to behave in a very polite or kind way to
someone because you want something from them 〈人に〉取り入ろうとする,こびへつらう |
P253 | |
hoarse(adj) | a hoarse voice sounds rough, as if the speaker
has a sore throat しわがれた,かすれた,ハスキーな |
bay(v) | if a dog bays, it makes a long high noise,
especially when it is chasing something 〈特に追跡中の猟犬などが〉(…に)長く低くほえる,うなる |
timbre(n) | the quality of the sound made by a particular
instrument or voice 音色,音質 |
afraid for | very frightend or worried about something |
P254 | |
tarpaulin(n) | a heavy cloth prepared so that water will
not pass through it, used to keep rain off
things ターポーリン:タール,ペンキ,蝋(ろう)などを塗った防水帆布,防護カバー,防水シート |
assure(v) | (保証して)安心させる |
call over | 呼ぶ |
orderly(n) | a soldier who does unskilled jobs 当番兵;伝令 |
検索はLongman Dictionary of Contemporary English とAmerican Heritage College dictionaryとColins COBUILDのCD-ROMと小学館ランダムハウス英和辞典CD-ROMを使いました | |
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