第十六回 Katya Summary (締め切り 03年1月31日) |
Written By Sergei Dovlatov(P250) 提出順、敬称略 |
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Freezing Mind ごえべえ |
Katya waked Egorov, who was the captain,
up in the early cold morning. He had been
dreaming a funny dream, so he told her about
it, but she didn't care about it. |
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Katya ぱんぷきん |
Katya got up very early in the morning.
It was very quiet and cold. She put on her
slippers and her bluish warm bathrobe. After
she read the words of daily calendar, she
woke Egorov up. They had some conversations, suddenly she started to cry. That made Egorov depressed. He didn't understand why she was crying but he slowly dressed. Katya didn't like to live here. While Katya was looking up the window, Egorov was outside to pick up armful of firewood. Then she began to talk again that she hated winter here and hated frost in the morning, dark evenings, dogs barking, ice in the washbasin. He friendly suggested they invite some people but she refused because she was not in her right mind anymore. In the kennel, the dog started to howl. Egorov pulled out of her hands, went outside. Katya went into the kitchen, she found the ice in the washbasin was melting. She remembered some poem lines that had been a gift to her from Lenya Mak which was heard from phonograph record. Incidentally a shot rang out. The dog stooped to howl. After a while, he came back with a something in a sheet. Katya was afraid to look at it but asked him what happened. He didn't answer for it. |
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Katya Middle-angle |
A severe climate has a tendency to make people
gloomy. |
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Katya Megumi |
It was a cold winter. One morning,
Katya woke up Egorov and told him about ice
in the washbasin, one of which made her feel
gloomy because she was fed up with such severe
cold. |
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Katya ぽち |
Katya woke up very early. There was ice in
the washbasin and the snowdrifts had reached
halfway up the window. She hated everything
here. It was too cold and depressing. She
couldn't take it anymore. First, Egorov,
who is the captain, didn't take her complaints
seriously, but when she burst into tears
saying, " I can't go on." he realized
that she was really depressed and unhappy.
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Katya Keigo |
A severe climate makes people feel gloomy.
Katy had been living with her partner Egorov. The snowdrift halfway up the window, frozen water, moreover everything made by the winter climate let her confuse in that day. She hated the barking of their dog outside. Although she wanted that Egorov realise it, the feeling had not reached him. Then, it happened because of the howl, which the dog began. Her mind was beyond the limit. When Egorov brought something wrapped in a tarpaulin from outside, she recognized what had happened to the dog. 初めましてごえべえさん。面白いページ見せてもらってありがとうございます。 |
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みなさんおっしゃるように、不思議な話でした。どうしてKatyaがあそこまでwashbasinの氷を気にして、過敏になっていたのかが、はっきりしません。 でも、人里離れた(おそらく)刑務所でのやりきれない仕事の毎日、雪に閉ざされた場所、鳴り響くチェーンソーの音なんかに神経が病んでいってたのでしょう。 最初、Summaryが私だけだったので、あせりました。けど、掲示板を変更したばかりだったので、いろいろと不都合があったと思います。 申し訳ありませんでした。 さて。2月は明るい話を選びたいです。 |
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