The Weather in San Francisco
Summary (締め切り 04年9月30日)

Written Richard Brautigan(P119〜P120)
Bees, a Butcher, and an Old Woman

It was a cloudy afternoon in San Francisco. An Italian butcher sold a pound of liver to a very old woman. He didn’t want to sell such a large amount of liver to her, so he had recommended her another choice, but she insisted.
He imagined that she had five hundred bees waiting for her and the meat. The thought made him sick.
She bought a pound of liver and went back to her home on the top of a steep hill. The door of her house was a dear and trusted friend of hers. She opened the door and nodded at it. What were waiting for her in her house were a large number of bees. Bees were everywhere in a room. Then she gave the liver to them. It would be a sunny day in San Francisco.

最後の"The bees came to her and gathered ....that soon changed into a sunny day." というのが、よくわかりませんでした。

あともう一つ、golden beesがお肉にたかっている様をsunnyって表現しているのかも・・・とも考えますが。

The Weather in San Francisco

A very old woman was buying a pound of meat at a butcher's. What does she need such an amount of meat for? That's a big question the butcher had. Does she keep lots of golden bees at home? No way!
He tried to persuaded her into buying hamburger but failed. The cloudy weather was going into rainy and hamburger was the best meat for such a weather. Despite butcher's persuasion however, the old lady chose a pound of liver, saying that the weather was going to be sunny.
It took quite some time for the old lady to go up a steep, but she reached her house anyway and opened the door. It was always dear and welcome her. In the room at the end of the long hall there were lots of bees waiting for her back. Bees on the chairs, photographs, curtains, everywhere...
When she put the liver on a cloudy silver plate, it soon turned into a sunny one.

The Weather in San Francisco

An Italian butcher was to sell a pound of meat to a very old woman. The butcher advised her she buy some lean hamburger meat. But she didn't like what the butcher recommended. She wanted and insisted a pound of liver. Nevertheless the butcher told her he would have hamburger the weather like raining or going to be rain. The butcher felt unpleasant and didn't want to talk to her anymore. He sold a pound of liver to her in disgust. He went back to the poultry section for a change. On the way back to home, she had to climb up the steep hill. It was so hard for such an old lady like her. Her house was on the top of the hill. There was her dear friend when she opened the door. She walked down the hall to the room where she had a lot of bees. The bees were everywhere in the room. She unwrapped the liver on the silver plate. The cloudy plate soon turned into a shiny plate.

韓国の方が雨の日にチヂミを食べるように天気の悪い日にはハンバーガーを食べるのかしら?お皿は蜂がレバーを食べてきれいになって光ったのかなと一瞬思いましたが蜂は食べるのではなくて吸うのですよね。Middle angleさんの書いていらっしゃるように蜂が集ってsunnyに見えるのではと思いました。

例によって、変な話ですが、 これを読んで、蜂が肉を食べる(吸う?)のだと知りました。丘の上の家で蜂たちと暮す老婆、一体、どういう人物なんでしょうか。いろいろと想像してしまいました。最後の表現がわかりにくかったですが、蜂って、金色ですから、それが群がるとお日様のように見えなくもないですね。雨の日、ハンバーグを食べたくなるものなのかどうか、誰かに聞いてみたいです。

The Weather in San Fransiscoの単語/Summary 提出後のMLでの討論/

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