House Opposite
Summary (締め切り 04年7月31日)

Written R. K. Narayan(P80〜P84)
The Seductive Woman

He was living a very stoic life. He lived alone and had nothing to stimulate the baser impulses. However, the woman who lived in the opposite house of his was really a seductive woman. A lot of men, from a student to magistrates kept visiting her. He thought she probably spent an immoral time with those men.
One day he saw the woman and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her feature and her body were attractive. He didn’t want to think about her, and he said Gods’ names of Hinduism. No matter how desperately he tried to eliminate her from his head, nothing was effective.
He decided to leave his house, and he packed his scarce possessions into his wicker box. When he gave a last look at his house, the woman approached him and asked him to accept her offering. It was a day of remembrance of her mother. Although he had been thinking he would curse her if he faced her, her poor appearance from close distance made him accept her offer. Then he walked down the street.


House Opposite
What really bothered the man was the shameless woman living in the house opposite.
He was a very religious person, leading a stoic life. Everyday he kept early hours, had certain restricted meals, and meditated. He tried everything to be away from pleasure-seeking.
The woman, on the contrary, seemed to lead entirely opposite life. Every night and day various men kept visiting her and stayed with her over night.
Whenever hearing the door of her house creaking, he got uptight even in the deepest meditation and imagined who was visiting her.
One day he happened to see the woman in front of her house. His heart started pounding but couldn't help staring her. She was very attractive.
Now she was always in his mind and never left. Even her image was becoming bigger and bigger no matter how hard he tried to eliminate. What did he have to do with it ?
He remembered an ancient tale told by his guru long time ago.
"A prostitute can go to heaven when she dies, as she was sinned only with her body. But her self-satisfied reformer was sent to hell because he is mentally corrupted, being obsessed with the prostitute and what she does."
Finally he made up his mind to move and packed everything he possessed.
Upon his leaving, the woman came out of the house opposite and offered him some fruits and flowers. She told him it was a day to remember her mother. Seeing her up close, he realized how shabby her appearance was and felt pity for her.
He touched the tray to show his acceptance of her offering and left without a word.
House opposite

Every time he looked out of his window, he felt disgusting. He was an austere hermit and alone. There lived a woman across the street of his house. Men kept knocking on her door afternoons and nights. Even in his deep meditation, his imagination had never been eliminated from his mind.
Once he found her as a seductive woman one day, he couldn't help thinking of her. But he was in a sudden of anger because her appearance ruined his tapas. He repeated his mantra at home, however, it didn't work. So much imaginations and thoughts came to his mind from one thing to another. Then he finally made a decision to move out. He packed few of his stuffs before dawn when he took a look at house, a woman on opposite house approached him. She put fruits and flowers on the tray, handed in them to him. She apologized and said that this was a day of remembrance of her mother. He touched it for the acceptance. He only felt pity for her without a word as he looked at her very miserable appearance.



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